You’ve put in a lot of effort making your home “yours.” You have a large family, and you showcase them with pictures. Your son wanted his room painted black, so you obliged. And you think those plaid kitchen curtains are perfect. But now it’s time to sell your...
Marc Sicner, Painter and Handyman
You got a heck of a deal on your new house. It was a fixer-upper, and you looked forward to flexing your fixer-upper muscles. Turns out you didn’t have as much muscle as you thought. Sure, you can handle some of it, but when it comes to painting that...
Autumn Stock, Member Services Manager, Kroc Center
You’ll hear the voices of excited children as soon as you enter the Kroc Center. You’ll see sweaty people pouring out of exercise studios and basketball courts or wet people playing and exercising in an Aquatics Center second to none. You’ll see people in classes learning photography, public speaking and...
Carrie Clure, Title Insurance
After months of searching and considering options, you bought a new house. You’ve moved in your belongings, decorated, painted that ugly dining room and planted flowers. Now you’re considering a kitchen remodel. Then you receive a notice. You’re being sued. The previous owner had a pool built and didn’t pay...